Asset Management / Separately Managed Accounts

Personal asset management of individual portfolios by professional asset
managers is now available to most investors. The advantages are that the
manager understands the objectives of the investor and focuses all of his or her
working day on the selection of investments for and the subsequent monitoring
of client portfolios.

We have relationships with dozens of third-party money managers and can help
to select the ideal money manager specific to your needs and goals.

A fee-based account can be beneficial for high net-worth clients looking for
professional money management, but don’t want to incur per-transaction

If you already have a managed money account with an independent advisor,
contact us to evaluate your current portfolio's performance and fees. We will
conduct an unbiased review of the performance and fee-structure of the account.
En Español
Private Client Group
+ 1 954 315 3921
+ 1 954 315 3921
Atlantic Wealth Management offers Securities through International Assets Advisory LLC an Independent Registered Broker/Dealer Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through International
Assets Investment Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. International Assets Advisory, LLC and International Assets Investment Management, LLC are affiliated companies. Registered
Investment Advisors may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.
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