Concentrated Stock Positions
Many of our clients have built significant wealth accumulating their company stock. Others have inherited a large
amount of stock in a single company, sometimes passed down through the generations. When it comes time to
diversify and "lock in" this wealth, the emotional and tax-related issues are often overwhelming. A single stock that
constitutes a large portion of an investor's net worth raises a number of important questions:
What are the risks of holding a concentrated position?
How much of the concentrated position, if any, should I liquidate?
Should I consider utilizing a hedge?
Do the diversification benefits of selling now outweigh the tax consequences?
Should I let my emotional attachment to the stock affect my decision?
Atlantic Wealth Management’s ability to give objective advice allows us to construct an appropriate diversification plan
taking all of these factors into consideration.
+ 1 954 315 3921
Atlantic Wealth Management offers Securities through International Assets Advisory LLC an Independent Registered Broker/Dealer Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through International Assets Investment Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. International Assets Advisory, LLC and International Assets Investment Management, LLC are affiliated companies. Registered Investment Advisors may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. This site and the content herein are subject to certain Legal Notices. Please see "Legal/Privacy Important Disclosures" tab at the top of page for important information.