Global Investments
In an ever changing global marketplace, what was once an ignored segment of the portfolio may
now be the key to profiting from the rapid economic advances being made by emerging markets
worldwide. From Asia to Europe. From the Middle East to South America. From Russia to India, over
90% of Fortune 500 companies now have a presence overseas. Your advisor can help to search
through the clutter to separate the fundamentally strong companies from the over-hyped companies.
In the Internet bubble of the late 1990’s, in which hundreds of companies’ stock prices seemed to
rise and fall, seemingly overnight, a few dozen companies emerged from the rubble to become solid
bellwethers. Much like the Internet bubble, there is a lot of hype with overseas companies, and it is
our advisor’s duty to isolate the ones that we believe will sustain long term growth and avoid the
speculative-exuberance in others’ stock prices.
ADRs: (American Depositary Receipts) are foreign companies trading on a US exchange such as the
NYSE or the NASDAQ. Many Mutual Funds or ETFs also can be composed of companies in a specific
country or region in the world.
ETFs also have exposure to specific regions, countries or industries which can help to diversify your
global portfolio.
There are risks involved with investing in overseas companies and you should
contact your advisor to determine your risk tolerance and suitability before
investing in any overseas company. International investing involves special risks
such as currency fluctuation and political instability and may not be suitable for
all investors.
We will use all of our research capabilities available to us to identify companies
and investment opportunities globally. Call us to determine how much of your
portfolio should be allocated to global investments.
+ 1 954 315 3921
Atlantic Wealth Management offers Securities through International Assets Advisory LLC an Independent Registered Broker/Dealer Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through International Assets Investment Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. International Assets Advisory, LLC and International Assets Investment Management, LLC are affiliated companies. Registered Investment Advisors may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. This site and the content herein are subject to certain Legal Notices. Please see "Legal/Privacy Important Disclosures" tab at the top of page for important information.